Friday, November 14, 2008

sometimes the simplest things. . . . .

can prove to be so difficult!
You wouldn't think it would be that difficult to find hexagon or octagon- shaped bathroom floor tile, and it turns out its only hard if you need it IN STOCK! Sorry. . . just had to vent for a second. To make the long story short, I had to take 5 hours off from work just to find basic tiles for our bathroom floor, and the work isn't finished yet! Still 2 more HomeDepots left to go to so I can scrap together 8 additional square feet of coverage. Wish me luck- I'm exhausted!


pbrownie50 said...

Welcome to the world of construction!

Manna said...

pbrownie said it! if you've already started the work, i guess this is a bad time to tell you that is a great place to find all types of tile. if they don't have it in stock, they can usually get it pretty quickly.