Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

That's right, I'm a Soulless Bureaucrat for Halloween, which may not be that far off from the truth!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Our house. . . in escrow!

Hi everyone!
At the end of this posting, there's a link to Sean's Flickr page, where he posted a few pics of our future house.

Escrow seems to keep running on, and now almost all of the inspections needed are done. The seller has about $11,000 worth of work to do before our loan can go through, luckily they agreed to do all of this when they agreed to accept our offer.

Hopefully we'll be moved in before Thanksgiving! We'll keep everyone posted on the date of our housewarming party.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Recipe for Delicious

On Friday night, Sean made a most delicious meal at our campsite in Samuel P.Taylor State Park. I thought I'd share it with you.

1 loaf La Brea Bakery 3-cheese semolina bread, cut into 1/2 inch slices
1 small wedge port salut cheese (low melting point!), cut into slices
1 small wedge Spring Hill garlic Jack cheese, cut into slices
1/4 stick salted butter
campfire for ambience
redwood tree canopy
lots of napkins
1 perfectly ripe avocado

Make cheese sandwiches, I like one of port salut and one of garlic jack. Heat up the pan, and throw in a little butter. Add 2 sandwiches, turn over in a few minutes when the bread is nicely browned. Add more butter if necessary. When both sides are brown, put two sandwiches on a plate and garnish with avocado slices (unless you're Sue Brown, then you omit the avocado slices). Wait 30 seconds for the sandwiches to cool enough to pick up with your hands and eat. Watch the cheesy gooeyness ooze out of the back of the sandwich. Look up at the tree canopy above you. Treasure the moment.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Homie has wheels!

On Sunday, Sean and I bought our first car, a 1992 civic 4-door. We've already taken off the Honda symbol on the trunk and the Civic name has worn off, so we have about as close to a generic-looking car as you can get! I'll try to take some pics of it tonight to post tomorrow.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thai lunch at Osha with Mosh

Friday night I took Amtrak down to hang with Heather until Saturday night. We had a great time, seeing Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist at the new mall. It was definately a feel-good movie, and Michael Cera has the cutest expressions . . ever.

Saturday, Mosh made me a killer breakfast in her fancy-schmancy breakfast maker (a toaster with an attachment that steams sausage and poaches an egg). It was mighty tasty. Then we headed to Union Street to attend a party at LUSH. . . where we won prizes and got freebies and goodie bags! We definately raked it in. Next, we went to lunch at Osha, a chain of 5 thai restaurants in san Francisco. Below are some pics of our tasty lunch specials!

Photo credits: Heather Brown and her iphone

Friday, October 3, 2008

Where's Waldo?

Across the street from work is the local prison. I have a great view of a hallway where I can usually see prioners hanging out in their bright orange jumpsuits. Here's today's challenge- find Waldo! Hint- he's wearing bright orange!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bowling for Team Jesus

Hi all,

The Planning and Urban Development League (PUDL) is in full swing, and I have so far bowled two nights. The league is on every Monday night at Capitol Bowl in West Sacramento, but I share a slot with my boss at work, so we take turns as far as who represents the General Plan Team. My first night, my high score was a 90, but this Monday I bowled a 114, which is very close to my highest score. . . ever! I'm setting a goal for the season of 130, so wish me luck! Seen here are Chris and Cherie, who bowled with me 2 weeks ago. . . . they were excellent teammates! This league has been a fun way to kick back with some of my coworkers and meet other planners and environmental anaylsts in the area.