Hi all,
The Planning and Urban Development League (PUDL) is in full swing, and I have so far bowled two nights. The league is on every Monday night at Capitol Bowl in West Sacramento, but I share a slot with my boss at work, so we take turns as far as who represents the General Plan Team. My first night, my high score was a 90, but this Monday I bowled a 114, which is very close to my highest score. . . ever! I'm setting a goal for the season of 130, so wish me luck! Seen here are Chris and Cherie, who bowled with me 2 weeks ago. . . . they were excellent teammates! This league has been a fun way to kick back with some of my coworkers and meet other planners and environmental anaylsts in the area.
Way to go Linzi..2bucks
I think this is three bucks, 'trick...
Linz, sounds like all that wii practice is paying off!!
It was a blast to bowl with you! *grin*
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