Monday, October 6, 2008

Thai lunch at Osha with Mosh

Friday night I took Amtrak down to hang with Heather until Saturday night. We had a great time, seeing Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist at the new mall. It was definately a feel-good movie, and Michael Cera has the cutest expressions . . ever.

Saturday, Mosh made me a killer breakfast in her fancy-schmancy breakfast maker (a toaster with an attachment that steams sausage and poaches an egg). It was mighty tasty. Then we headed to Union Street to attend a party at LUSH. . . where we won prizes and got freebies and goodie bags! We definately raked it in. Next, we went to lunch at Osha, a chain of 5 thai restaurants in san Francisco. Below are some pics of our tasty lunch specials!

Photo credits: Heather Brown and her iphone


david santos said...

Excellent posting!
Have a nice day.

Kellyann Brown said...

looks like gigantic d.c.s! (My own idea of heaven)

Looks like you had a great time!