Monday, March 30, 2009

Videoblogging with nomads

So, last week when Chris and Cherie paid us a visit, they told us about a new project they will be working on as they travel around the U.S.- video "Tales from Technomadia". For this project, they will be videotaping short informational videos of locals who want to share their favorite sites, a little history, or whatever may be of interest to travelers. And Sean and I were the first interviewees!

Here's a link to their website.

Sean did a piece on the Spanish War Memorial in Capitol Park, followed by me talking about magnolia trees. Then, I talked a little about a cool urban forest hidden in downtown. Check it out! My lisp even came through on the audio!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fake boobs, fake nails, fake rock? only at REI.

I took Heather to REI, bceause she needs some hiking boots for the trips up to Nicasio. She tried on a few pairs and wouldn't you know it, REI had a fake rock you can climb, presumably to try out the tread. I like to think the grab bar was installed to make all parts of the store accessible to all users.

Friday, March 20, 2009

animals are good subjects for blogs

A little "new" news on the Brown-Catanese animule farm. Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting Sean's friend Phil's beautiful feline named Stella. While at first she proved full of spitfire, over the course of 3 days she really warmed up to me. Sean, however, has the scars to prove he didn't get the privelage of ever calling her a friend during her brief stay with us.

In other news, starting a few weeks ago, a pretty grey dove took up residence in an alcove underneath the roof of the porch. The alcove seemed to be too small, though, because eventually she lost her nest and the eggs that were in in. Then, after a one week hiatus, she has returned and seems to be doing fine, with her nest in the same spot as before. She is one beautiful bird! This picture doesn't do her justice, I hope you can still pick her out.