Having been inspired by KellyAnn's admirations of Mr. Bento lunches, I finally decided to treat myself to the high cost of a Mr. Bento from Amazon.com. $50, but that makes up for itself in just 2 weeks by bringing my lunch to work instead of going out ! This is my first picture of Mr. Bento. . . not quite the stunning cutesy-character esque bento creations showcased on the Mr. bento porn site on Flickr.
http://www.flickr.com/groups/mrbento/, (safe for work. . I promise!) but very tasty! I will try to remember to take a new pic of my Mr. bento meal today, which includes a smidgen of tasty leftovers from Lucca, a really good continental reasturant near my house in Midtown. In the picture is wheat thins with Cypress Grove chevre and Molinari salami, spinach salad with feta and heirloom tomatoes, and some pre-marinated tri-tip from Costco I cooked up Sunday afternoon. I filled the fourth dish with watermelon, but I ate it before I thought to record it for all of time!
1 comment:
Hi Linzi! Beautiful bento!!!
If you email me your new address, I will share with you some of the cool bento-type items that I got at the Japanese 99cent store in Palo Alto... I know you need some fish shaped soy sauce containers and maybe some of that green "grass" divider!
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