Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Catblogging- June 12

Last night as I was making up the futon for Barry's overnight visit, Ameilia thought she'd make herself at home and "help out mommy" by laying all over the bed. Yeah, well, it wasn't exactly helping me out, but it did pile on the cuteness and mama couldn't resist snapping a few pics. I guess her bahavior is fair, since the front room was originally the kitteh sequestering room, and she had it all to herself for her first three weeks after adoption. In that way, she's just re-asserting herself, and who could blame her for that?

Sadly, the 2007 version of MicroSoft piece-of-shit software installed on my work computer isn't letting me save pics from my phone, so please check again later tonight- I'll add cute Ameilia pics to this posting from my home computer!

Updated. . .yea!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

oh noes! food poisoning strikes again!

yesterday I went to work, but was feeling pretty bad- upset stomach, chills etc. In fact, I even drove in stead of taking the bus, thinking I might need to go home early if my symptoms got any worse. Then at 8:30 or so I got a text from Morgan- "are you feeling okay?"

My thought was, "how did you know?". Apparently Morgan got it, too and knew it was food poisoning because he was worshipping the porcelain bowl all morning. I think it may have been that burrito we shared? Anyway, the moral of the story is: Food poisoning sucks, but its better when you have someone to commiserate with, as long as you don't have to share the same bathroom.

I'm feeling a little better today, so I'm trying to tough it out at work. wish me luck!